1About Minimum Order Quantity ?
The MOQ for each product is different. We can accept the sample order; also if you meet with our MOQ, you can get some discount !
2Warranty and quality control?
1) Our QC teams will test the products one by one using professional device and instruments.
2) The guarantee for our products lasts 6 months, however it depends on the merchandise in question.
3) All returned parts are requested to be packaged as originally delivered, and original labels marked by us must not be removed, nor can any of the parts have been used or damaged deliberately.
3How Can I Place an Order ?
Please send us your purchase list by email or fax. Or you also can ask us to send you a proforma invoice with bank details for your order. Generally we need to know the following information for your order: 1) Shipping information - company name, street address, phone number, postcode, destination airport or sea port, transportation method ( by courier, by air or by ocean container)
2) Product information - model numbers, quantity
3) Delivery time required
4) Freight payment ( by collect or prepaid)
5) Forwarder's contact details ( in China or Hong Kong)
4Payment Term ?
1) Cash;
2) T/T:Bank transfer;
3) Western union;
4) Moneygram
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